Online alone is not OK for 0-12s
2/3 of 0-12 year olds have their own device. 70% can go online anywhere in the home by age 11.
50% of 0-12 year olds have seen 18+ explicit content, on a device we provide for them.
This seems like an impossible problem but it's not too hard. We’ve done it before with car seats and pool fences and we can do it again. Opinions may vary for teens, but with 0-12s we can all agree.
Make it safe for 0-12s online.
The first step is to launch a state, then national campaign, educating Australian parents on the top 3 proven preventative actions to protect our 0-12 year olds. The ‘slip, slop, slap’ of internet safety.
It's Not OK is a social change initiative led by parent and primary teacher, Will Norris, with strategic input and advisory from some of WA's leading child advocacy, health and safety experts and creative agencies.
The plan for an awareness campaign and parent guide has been developed. We use 100% kid friendly language so our message can be shown everywhere.
We are now seeking suitable partners to resource and implement this project in a bold, collaborative and evidence-based way.
Additionally, we are asking for other leaders in our community to join the movement and make it safe for 0-12s online.
This project needs the right backing to bring it to life. Do you have the influence, resources or connection to help take this initiative to its next stage? We'd love to hear from you.
This project has been well researched and has been refined and clarified with child cyber-safety experts to ensure impactful delivery for parents and their children.
Claire Orange,
DiGii Social
Valuing children doesn’t stop when a child opens their Ipad. It is a constant commitment by all adults to ensure our children experience childhood in the safest and happiest of terms.
Sarah Quinton,
Valuing Children Initiative
Children’s unrestricted access to explicit content is the child protection issue of our time. Society is only just beginning to realise the scale and nature of harm being done to our children. Will is a dedicated and passionate child safety advocate striving for wide reaching social change. His resolve, over many years, to address this public health crisis is admirable.
Kayelene Kerr,